Friday, June 10, 2005


I'm sick. Head cold and down for the count. Don't have the energy to write today. Old post from livejournal.

"You know what I think? I think that you have roughly 90 years to live, discounting some fatal accident or disease, and I think that time is a constant and that everyday, whether you're working or having a crappy day or having a great one, is meant to be lived...not just acknowledged but absorbed. So maybe you don't enjoy inputting data into a computer or butchering meat or waking up at 4:30 AM to commute 2 hours and be at work by 7:00 (understand there is a half hour cushion for traffic) but gosh dang it enjoy the ride. Suck it up. Roll down your freaking window for a second and think about what it means to be alive as you breathe in the morning air. Think about the fact that you even got the chance to live. Because maybe just maybe you're lucky to even have been given the opportunity. It's the greatest gift. Live."

note to self: life=fluidity, life is short=is that all you got?


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