Thursday, November 24, 2005

Gifting Insanity. I won't be shut down.

I'm not lost. I have been. I may be again. I will tell you straight faced and confident that even if I've been lost I've never been off track. By lost I mean that at times it's difficult to understand where I'm headed, but I've never once doubted the purity or the validity of my pursuits. If you think the actions that we choose to take daily should be relative to the situations we find ourselves in, make no mistakes about it, you are wrong. Life is not relative. This blog is no longer on display because the things I plan on saying and the mantra I plan on creating and eventually solidifying aren't meant for public consumption right now. I've come to realize it's not digstible at this point, but it will be once I figure out how to express it properly. As it stands I'm seen as a close minded kid with the wrong reality and I'm sick of perpetuating that image when I don't have the ability to properly defend it. That and I'm afraid of being labled insane.

The truth is I'm onto something incredible. I'm gonna do something unparalled. I feel it. It drives me and it keeps me safe. And I'm not talking about setting records or making millions, but I am talking about floods. The kind that engulf the land and scar the Earth. My flood won't bring destruction. It will bring rebirth. This sounds incredulous I know. It may even sound like I'm some self proclaiming prophet but I'm anything but. I'm not speacial in anyway. I am just a person who for some unknown reason has recognized life for what it truly is. I am awake and I'm bent on waking others up from their sleep too.

It begins tomorrow.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Passing you by

Time is powerful and yet I can't seem to grasp why or even how.

Before there were clocks or even sun dials, there was the sun from which our concept of time and its measurement were derived. Our concept of time is based on our sun and its cycle. The second, the minute, the hour, the day, the month, the year, the decade, and the century are all based on the sun and its relationship to the Earth. Each unit of time shares the same continuum. This continuum which we have compartmentalized is only compartmentalized, only sliced up into individual units with a value of our choice, because we decided it should be so. Time itself has no boundaries and is a constant. It is not restricted in the sense of length. We have restricited it, we have attempted to mangae it and some how objectify it. But when did our objectification, our desire to conceptualize time and make it tangible, become one with our need to conform to it? To use it to order our lives, to compartmentalize them? Is it death? Is it that we know death is coming and we want to grasp when? I know there is more to this but I have a history essay to write. Hopefully I come back to this.